The Future of Marketing DA: Contextual Report

approached the Futures Cultures Digital Artefact wanting to create something that I was passionate about and that would be useful for my own future. As such I decided to create a blog post series focused on exploring the future of the marketing industry (a topic highly relevant to my career aspirations)…

Virtual & Augmented Realities: How XR Tech Could Change the Marketing Industry

Emerging XR technologies are inspiring interesting predictions for the future and how we could be interacting the world, each other and brands…

The Human Connection: Is Emotional Storytelling the Future?

Many people argue that experiencing emotions is what make humans “human”.
As we enter an age where we are being increasingly bombarded by advertising material 24/7, industry experts believe that the best way to stand it out in a saturated market is to…

How Artificial Intelligence Is Shaping the Future of Marketing

Is marketing going extinct? I believe that we are witnessing an extinction event when it comes to marketing as we know it.
The future is here. Automated campaigns are revolutionizing marketing by targeting customers with the right message at just the right time without wasting resources on those who don’t need it…

My Contribution to the Conversation- Reflecting on My Live Tweeting (Pt.2)

This blog post containing tweets and analysis is in regards to Live-tweeting exercises I have been participating in for the last 6 weeks for my Future Cultures class (BCM325)…

BCM325 Peer Comments: A Reflection (Pt. 2)

As a part of my studies in Future Cultures (BCM325) we are required to analyse and comment on our peers’ pitches for the major project. It was really cool to see how other people’s projects are coming along! The following three peer comments, summarise what their pitch was about, reveal what I commented and include my reflection on my own feedback…

Project Beta- The Future of Marketing

The beta content of my digital artefact (a blog series all about the future of marketing), is now up and operational. You can find it right here on my website under the ‘The Future of Marketing’ tab. As stated in my pitch, the focus for this Digital Artefact (DA) is to explore the future possibilities of marketing and advertising. Throughout 7 short-length blogs I plan to discuss and analyse some of the major trends and developing technologies that could potentially shape and/or disrupt the marketing industry…

Star Bright, Star Light First Space Ad I See Tonight

One of the craziest potential futures of marketing I have come across in my research was the concept of ‘Space Ads’, AKA obtrusive space advertising. To me, the whole idea seems like it’s something straight out of a cyberpunk dystopia. The technology is described as “swarms of tiny, light-reflecting “cubesats” (tiny satellites) that would come together to form luminous words or logos.” StartRocket (a Russian start-up) is trying to make it happen for real…

4 Things That Could Shape The Future of Marketing

The future is fascinating to imagine, with so many advancements being in made in the tech world it’s seems that it is only a matter of time before the marketing industry is completely disrupted. I have identified that have a potential to shape the future of marketing include…

My Contribution to the Conversation- Reflecting on My Live Tweeting

This blog post containing tweets and analysis is in regards to Live-tweeting exercises I have been participating in for the last 4 weeks for my Future Cultures class (BCM325). The following tweets are a curation of some of my most significant contributions and interactions during the live tweeting of a weekly screening that explores the concept of the future. During the past 4 weeks, we have watched, ‘Metropolis’ (1927), ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968), ‘Westworld’ (1973), and ‘Blade Runner’ (1982) …

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